Glow attended the recent Yahoo! BBC Hackday event in Alexandra Palace Last week and received the “Best Hardware Hack” award.

Hackday is all about bringing creative ideas into reality, no matter how outlandish.

On the day, Thom Shannon led a small team of other attendees to create a blimp which could be controlled through the internet. The Blimp was equipped with a camera and allowed remote users to enter the event and interact with people.

Anyone who visited the website was presented with an interface to take control of the blimp, as more people attempt to take control the blimp follows the directions of the majority.

The movements of the blimp were reflected online using Yahoo! Maps. It also relayed images back onto the flickr website.

Creating a tangible interface between the virtual and real worlds, giving users a presence that allowed them to interact with other people within the space and record it.

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