Phil Blything, Director of Glow was announced as one of the Future 100 Young Entrepreneurs of the Year during Global Entrepreneurship Week 2008.

Global Entrepreneurship Week is looking to unleash people's enterprising ideas to address some of the society's biggest issues - Climate Change - Poverty - Gender Equality - Health

The Future 100 Awards, profiles young entrepreneurs aged 18-35 who are demonstrating entrepreneurial flair and innovation in progressing a responsible business venture; one which demonstrates a balance between economic, environmental and social goals to achieve ultimate business success.

We're delighted to be included in the list. As a digital marketing agency, Glow is passionate about reducing the environmental impact of business activity. Why waste brochures and fuel to get a message out to your market? Digital methods do it better at a fraction of the cost, and if you're clever how you do it, with a zero carbon footprint.

Phil Blything - Director, Glow



The future of our world is in the hands of individuals who are committed to generating commercial and ethical returns. Challenging economic times can offer opportunities to question the way we operate as both a business community and a society. We are profiling the 'Future 100' young entrepreneurs who are changing the face of everyday business and improve commerce's impact on the wider world.

Heather Wilkinson - Founder of Striding Out and Future100

The Future 100 awards, encourages and rewards extraordinary vision, ethical business practice and social responsibility. They aim to showcase businesses that offer innovative and sustainable solutions to social problems. The Future 100 Awards is organized by Striding Out, a social enterprise which is committed to supporting the development and growth of young and ethical entrepreneurs.



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