Did you hear the one about the dinosaur that was uncovered in Liverpool’s Paradise St building site?

For April Fools day, Glow developed a spoof mapping site – www.supermap.biz by integrating with the Google Maps API – no small achievement as the system allows the user to add artefacts to the map in order to fool the unsuspecting recipient. Items include a Dinosaur Skeleton, Concorde, UFO’s and a London Bus which can be placed on the map, anywhere in the world.

Dinosaur found in Liverpool Building Site

The viral campaign made it to Australia and back to the UK within two hours of release and had reached each continent the same morning. Users took the opportunity to play a light-hearted joke on co-workers and friends.

If you missed our April Fools viral campaign, we have saved you a copy!

Hi All,
Looks like there was a rather unusual thing unearthed during the digging at the Liverpool 1 construction site recently..
artefact unearthed in Liverpool
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