Liverpool Chamber of Commerce (LCC) commissioned glow to redevelop their highly popular eNewsletter and redesign the LCC Blog.

Liverpool Chamber of Commerce Newsletter

LCC has built a successful and popular eNewsletter over the last few years and asked Glow to take it to the next level.

We decided to re-vamp the Chamber's E-newsletter which goes out to over 6000 business contacts and we are delighted with the results. Opens and click-throughs have already increased and we have secured sponsorship from our members for several weeks ahead. All in all it was a sound investment from which we have already seen a return.
Jenny Stewart - Head of Client Services, LCC

Glow redesigned the Newsletter and subjected it to extensive tests to make sure it looks fantastic across the wide range of email software the audience use to read their email.

Glow also redesigned the LCC blog, to bring it into line with the Chambers new branding whilst maximising the blogs potential to encourage users to view pages in greater numbers each visit.

Liverpool Chamber is one of the UK’s oldest registered businesses and one of the most forward thinking too. Communication is vital to them and we’re delighted to help them use new digital methods to increase reach, decrease costs and reduce carbon footprint.
Phil Blything - Director, Glow

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