Inventing the Future
08 May 2009
Inventors, hobbyists, programmers and artists will be joining forces in Liverpool to create and invent the things of the future.
Inventors, hobbyists, programmers and artists will be joining forces in Liverpool to create and invent the things of the future.
Glow is sponsoring Howduino, a one day event being hosted at FACT Liverpool that aims to give everyone a chance to play with connecting real world things with computers and the internet in creative new ways.
Howduino follows on from the recent success of the UKs first Maker Faire, held in Newcastle last month. The 2 day event had over 5000 visitors and saw demonstrations of a fire breathing remote control horse, programmable robots and homemade touch screens.
Howduino organiser, Thom Shannon of Glow New Media said: “Technology is moving so fast now that it’s possible for a hobbyist to build something that was unimaginable a few years ago. Just as the Wright brothers invented powered flight in their shed, ordinary people can build their craziest
ideas with next to no budget.”
One of the projects to be shown on the day will be Bubblino, built from a child’s toy that’s been connected to the internet, it blows bubbles when ever it’s mentioned on the social networking site Twitter. Its inventor, Adrian McEwen, said “It’s great to see an event like this in Liverpool, it’s an
ideal opportunity for the city's creatives to join forces with the technical talent.”
Mr McEwen, who is also organising the Howduino event, will be demonstrating the Mazzini platform which allows a user to monitor the power usage of devices around the home and control them automatically. The information is sent to a website and their green credentials can be shared online.
For more information or to get a ticket visit
Howduino will be at the Foundation for Art and Creative Technology on May 23rd