Health Tech Innovation Event - Satellites & Supercomputers
15 April 2019
The Satellites & Supercomputers event demonstrated the incredible world first Health Tech coming out of the North West.
Leading clinicians, computer scientists and innovators came together at the Hartree Centre to look at innovations coming out of the North West, currently at the adoption horizon and where they are leading us.
Iain Hennessey, Clinical Director of Innovaton at Alder Hey - Unleashing Innovation @alderheyinc
Alder Hey Service Manager, Lindsey Marlton and Glow's Phil Blything reviewing the automatic milage capture provided by SafeTeam Guardian.
Glow New Media with Lindsey Marlton, Community Service Manager at Alder Hey @glownewmedia
Dennis Kehoe, CEO of AIMES @aimeshealth
Liz Mear, CEO of Innovation Agency @mearliz
Phil Carvil, Health Tech Cluster Manager, STFC @philipcarvil
Prof. Mike Pearson, Connected Health Cities
Michael Gleaves, Deputy Director, Hartree Centre @hartreecentre
Ian Bethune, Technical Programme Manager, Hartree Centre @ianbethune