Glow New Media is pleased to announce a new collaboration with AIMES Grid Services (AGS), a spin-out from the Advanced Internet Methods and Emergent Systems centre at University of Liverpool.
AGS, a community interest company, specialises in the application of powerful ‘grid computing technology’ to provide robust data centre hosting solutions which Glow will be using to support a trial deployment of SurfTail.

Having this much computing horsepower and high bandwidth connectivity on our doorstep will be a definite advantage. It’s perfect for applications like SurfTail which need increasing resources as they gather more users. SurfTail is designed to spread virally so scalability is very important.

Phil Blything – Director, Glow New Media

AIMES Grid services Ltd have just opened a new 5000 sq feet data centre in the former Marconi/Plessey building on Edge Lane, now part of the Liverpool Digital development.


We’re really excited to be hosting the SurfTail application. AGS is keen to assist local and regional businesses and this is exactly the type of service that we want to provide to North West companies.”

Jim Mooney - AIMES Grid Services 

The partnership came about after the successful i-techpartner collaborative innovation event in June.


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