Phil Blything, director of Glow joined a panel of design industry folk in discussing the practise of free pitching in the latest issue of Newsstand glossy magazine Computer Arts this month.

The panel was made up of leading UK design agencies and design association -  British Design Innovation.

Computer Arts Magazine - Free Pitching Discussion Panel

L - R: Tom Dennis – Computer Arts, Jason Cochrane – Keltie+Cochrane, Maxine Horn - British Design Innovation, Ian Keltie - Keltie+Cochrane, Ian Tate - Poke London, Phil Blything - Glow


On average, free pitching costs agencies £38,000 a year. That totals around £1.7bn in wasted resources

Maxine Horn - BDI

You can read the article as a PDF here or for more background on the free pitching debate you can read Phils blog.

Computer Arts Magazine - Free Pitching discussion panel

Computer Arts latest issue 148 is on sale now.


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