Jeff Barr, Senior Manager of Web Services Evangelism at joined Glow at our monthly OpenCoffee event to present new web services from Amazon today. 

Phil Blything, Jeff Barr and Manoj Ranaweera at Daresbury Innovation Centre
OpenCoffee Liverpool IV - (L-R: Phil Blything - Glow, Jeff Barr -, Manoj Ranaweera - edocr

Amazon are anticipating massive growth in demand for computing, storage and bandwidth and are promoting Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a solution.

Amongst other services, Jeff demonstrated “Mechanical Turk”
a marketplace for human intelligence tasks (HIT’s) which can be built into software to allow “artificial artificial intelligence”. The system is already being used in the search for missing adventurer, Steve Fossett

Presentations from Manoj Ranaweera of Edocr and Phil Blything from Glow New Media followed.

OpenCoffee is a monthly business networking event organised in Liverpool by Glow New Media and in Manchester by Manoj Ranaweera.

This months event took place at Daresbury Innovation Centre.

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